Out Front Theatre Season Graphics 2021-2022

Out Front Theatre

Season Graphics

I always enjoy creating the graphics for the season full of shows put on by Out Front Theatre Company (outfronttheatre.com) and this season was no exception. The five-show season kicked off with the over-the-top musical Xanadu and was followed up with The Golden Girls, The Lost Episodes, Holiday Edition and All the Natalie Portmans. Up next is When Last We Flew followed up by Homos: Or Everyone In America. In collaboration with the theatre, I designed a unique look and feel for each show that captures the feeling and tone that the piece presents. For each show we create a full size poster, a social media campaign, a postcard and more. This group of shows is also the line up we presented in the Season Brochure I designed earlier this year. If you’re in the Atlanta area, please be sure to plan to see one of the upcoming shows at Out Front Theatre – I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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