This is the family of graphics created to promote the summer concert for the Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus. The theme for the performance was “Red, White & You!” and through a combination of song and spoken word performances the chorus covered major events and milestones in our country’s rich history of working towards equality for all her citizens. To illustrate that idea we thought the best graphic to use was the iconic Uncle Sam pointing directly at the viewer to engage them and have them become part of the focus as well. We of course went with a patriotic color palette but updated it in a way that made it a little more dignified yet fresh. We created the poster of the event first and then went on to create this series which consisted of banner ads, print ads, the program guide and more.
In addition, we created a commemorative booklet that was focused on civil rights and social change and all the struggles this country has and continues to go through in the name of equality. This was a deeply meaningful and moving concert with a lot of historical context and so we designed this brochure to accompany the performance and give further details and explanations about referenced events and historical movements. And also to help raise funds. This book was quite fun to work on as we took the graphic elements from the promotional pieces and used them throughout the piece. We had some very moving letters written to the chorus as well as reprinting President Obama’s proclamation on marriage equality. The pages above show a spread where we offered up opposing views to issues throughout the years. Its amazing how a few years can really help make it crystal clear who was on the right side of history. I was honored to be apart of such wonderful event.