Bobby Dodd Institute 2020 Annual Report

Bobby Dodd Institute

2020 Annual Report

This is a 2020 annual report done for the Bobby Dodd Institute ( whose purpose is to help people with developmental disabilities maximize their potential through supportive services. While each year, the annual report celebrates the achievements of the organization as well as providing a snapshot of the financials, there was more to discuss with 2020. Last year the organization introduced a new logo and branding so the design of the annual report really centered around that. (You can see that here.) For 2020, we continued to sticking very closely to the new established brand but also introduced the idea of resilience through using the visual metaphor of a new tree just beginning to bud. Of course the book focuses heavily on the challenges the organization and its constituents faced in 2020, but it also has an inspiring message of looking to the future and supporting the community. We were lucky enough to still have a lot of great photos of people working together for their common goal, but many of course there are plenty of masks! The annual report  design was created to be shared with their constituents and major donors.

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