This project features nearly every skill set I have including: branding, design, website design/build and illustration. The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) ( contacted me with a wild idea they had of a site that they could share with policy makers and leaders in the European Union that would help them understand the challenges and consequences regarding energy decisions. They had the idea of a complex blueprint displaying all the different facets of energy creation and consumption and how their policies could affect them hitting their goals for clean. First, we designed the logo for the project and shortly thereafter we started work on the “blueprint” that would be the landing page for the site. We worked together to organize the blueprint so that each of the large Principles were all displayed correctly and connected to their corresponding Fact Sheet. Each of the fact sheet boxes on the blueprint then clicks through to the detailed information for that fact sheet. Each fact sheet has a short intro followed by plainly stated “What, How, Who and When” which is followed up with the informative narrative. Contained in each narrative are all sorts of animated graphics, infographics, charts and other information focused visuals. This was a big project with many thought leaders in many time zones involved, but working with the great team leaders at RAP, we built a great site that has received many great accolades both internally at RAP and across the EU.
You can view the Power System Blueprint website at:
Some of the infographics and animations: